a short film by Marcia Fields and Mike Spear, is about what happens when you wake up to find you need to move on and move out at exactly the same time.
When Ross (Mike Ivers, 419) is awakened early one morning by a knock at the door, he's shocked to find his girlfriend gone, and two men in his foyer ready to move him out of their shared apartment at the request of his now -- it would seem -- ex-girlfriend Elizabeth. Turns out these guys do this for a living, frequently hired by significant others looking to not be so significant anymore without getting any blood on their hands. As you might imagine, Ross doesn't handle the news particularly well.
His first day on the job, mover Nick (Robin Lord Taylor, the Penguin on Fox's GOTHAM) hasn't quite completed his sensitivity training and isn't what anyone would call delicate in handling Ross's predicament. The anyone in question here is his supervisor -- and cousin -- Mason (Ryan Farrell, JESSICA JONES), who's forced to balance breaking-in his new co-worker and breaking-up with the client according to protocol.
In this modern world where technology too often replaces actual human interaction, the most personal moments in our lives are being delivered by the most impersonal methods. This short film takes a look at what would happen if even breakups were contracted out. And you thought getting dumped by text was embarrassing!
moving on,
the husband and wife team behind MOVING ON, started “joking” about how “funny” it would be if this fight was what led to their breakup, which of course led to a discussion over the cleanest way to facilitate said breakup. In that moment, this little film was conceived! Once the idea came up, they were too busy laughing and taking notes to continue fighting. (Postscript: Mike did the dishes and they’re still married.)
The couple met in 2004, while working as minions on the television series ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT and have shared a hatred of onion-related products, a love of Huey Lewis (with or without The News), and a king-sized bed ever since. But it wasn't until 2010 that they began sharing a title page as a writing team. Producing and directing as a team was the only natural progression! Together or apart, Marcia & Mike have been working as writers and producers in both scripted and reality television for over a decade.
In 2014, after nine months of labor, their first joint production was not, as their parents had hoped, a baby, but this short film. It may be the first one they co-wrote, produced, and directed together, but it’s definitely not going to be the last.
marcia fields & mike spear
During a debate over who was going to do the dishes,